Projects, Awards and Accolades

Awards and accolades for my writing

I first got published in my college magazine, also wrote for some lit mags. In my online writings and blogs I talk about Dhaka : the city of my belonging and separateness. My pieces on social media has often worked as opinion-makers and made me a micro-influencer eventually. Two of my short stories : Gormanush Totto ( The theory of averageness) and Sepia color er ekti adorsho bishonno bikel ( An evening of melancholy) was published from Afsar Brothers in a series compilation
My write up titled ‘Storytelling Classroom’ was selected as one of the top entries in an international competition named ‘A paper for Progress’ organized by EDGE, the foundation in 2018 and I was awarded the richest prize in Bangladesh for writing an essay. In 2012, I was Champion in an online essay contest on Population and Development organized by UNFPA in 2012 and was featured in national  dailies like Prothom Alo. In 2011, I was selected as a delegate in Bangladesh Children’s Film Festival supported by UNICEF for composing a story. In these write-ups, I talked about various issues like empathy,  macro development ideas and history of our independence war.
Year 2012Taking prize from UNFPA Country representative 
Year 2016My first story published on National Book Fair
Year 2017Winner, the richest prize in Bangladesh for writing an essay
Year 2017My second story got published in this anthology 

Accomplishment as a debater and organiser 

I ended my debating career as a General Secretary of BUET debating club. In my tenure, I participated in wide range of internal and external club level competitions. I was consecutive finalist of Inter Faculty Debate Tournament was awarded as the Debater of the Tournament in 2016. I represented Ahsanullah Hall inter hall tournaments and also  in National Television Debate Championship. I had also been a part of BUET Contingent in RV Debate Championship, Bangalore, India. As a debater of BUET Debating Club, I appeared on national TV channels to engage with Information minister and Water Resource minister and many other policy makers in different talk-shows. 
I was a debate organizer and led two major events in my undergrad. a) Essence: 25 years celebration of BUET Debating club and b) Paradigm Shift: 10th BUETDC National Debate Championship. I played the role of event-philosopher for both the events, made statements of purpose, innovated newer things to engage the audience and  collaborated with my team to make these great events happen.  Besides, I conceptualized multiple events inviting academicians and intellectuals for public talks in the university campus using  my club platform. Our events used to get much attention from the national dailies on regular basis. I was also the editor of the yearly magazine of the club ‘Boidurja’ in its 2017 publication and editing adviser in 2018. I also wrote on BUETDC blog. In  Notre Dame Debating Club, I was the Champion of Inter group Debate Championship in 2011 and experienced  how to organize the biggest debate festival in Bangladesh in club level being part of a magnificent team.
Debating moments  on BTV
I co-created  the idea of debatathon deliberately mixing debate, policy thinking and hackathon
Adjudicating is also a hard task
Received (not) a lot of prizes, but memories seem  more important at this stage

Digital Storytelling Projects: Social Promises

UNDP and ICT Division

How to hope and be grateful

Volunteering and Leadership 
In 2014, I joined as a delegate at Youth Leadership Summit organized by Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC) with other 500 delegates and 50 speakers from around the world for 3 days of knowledge sharing, leadership training and global networking.
In 2015, I worked as an organizer of ‘Sorob Shwar’, a series of talks connecting the youths with the emerging experts from different sectors in Bangladesh. It was under the platform of an online forum, and played a key role in polpularsing public talk culture here.
In 2017, I secured a funded international Participation for Asia Urban Youth Assembly (AUYA) in Melaka, Malaysia as a Young leader from Bangladesh. The discussions at the assembly have examined the potential areas for youth contribution to New Urban Agenda for 2030. 
I joined Youth Policy Forum's conference themed 'Future of the state: equality of opportunities' as a young professional and presented Infrastructure and environment related recommendations on behalf of the policy lab I co-guided on the program.