Research as Action
My research empowers marginalised populations in the Majority World/ Global South whose perspectives on how AI and digital systems are being developed, interpreted, and governed are otherwise ignored.
Decolonising AI imaginaries, ethics and praxis
In this stream of research, I focus on the epistemologies and politics enacted by new, data-driven technologies beyond the hegemonic frameworks of the Global North and examine how we can diversify the global ethics in AI practices. I collaborated with researchers and academics of University of Warwick, University of Cambridge, University of Toronto, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and many other institutions for these works. [see more]
Publications: Big Data and Society (forthcoming), Edited Collection: Putting Data Justice into Context (TBD, forthcoming), CSCW (2023) | Co-edited Digital Conference Proceedings: Many Worlds of AI (2023) | Curated Panel Discussion: Confronting AI at the Margin (2023)
Resisting platformisation and data politics
I critically explore network infrastructure and device affordances of social media platforms, as well as try to theorise how datafication dominates over existing social and cultural norms to establish hegemony over datafied subjects in contemporary time. I collaborated with researchers and academics of University of Toronto and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign for some of these works. [see more]
Publications: Cambridge Journal for Science and Policy (2023), Information, Communication and Society (forthcoming)
Designing for justice and/ or for the Majority World
Publications: CSCW (under review), ACM Interactions (2021), ICT4D (2020) and CHI (2017) | Co-designed toolkit: AI and Responsible Journalism (2023)
Developing inclusive and people-centred AI and digital policies
Together with current and former top industry practitioners, I commented on US and Australian AI policies specifically drawing on how AI governance can be advanced for low- and middle-income countries, who are disproportionately impacted. I also co-developed an inclusive Digital Strategy Primer for Bangladesh based on a readiness assessment in collaboration with Oxford University researchers and co-advised policymakers in the country on streamlining digital finance mechanisms for social safety net with colleagues from BIGD, Brac University. [see more]
Commentaries: On US AI Strategy (2023), On Australian AI Strategy (2023) | Strategy Primers: Future of the Digital in Bangladesh (2021), Digital Readiness Assessment (2021) | Consultation: Streamlining Digital Finance for Social Safety Net (2020)