Resisting platformisation and data politics

Forthcoming (2024)

Datafied Interiority: A Framework for Understanding the Violence of Data Colonialism on Human Subjects

Team: Abdullah Hasan Safir, Mohammad Rashidujjaman Rifat, Sharifa Sultana and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed

[Presented in Data Justice Conference in 2023, selected for publication in a special issue on 'Collectivity in Data Governance and Data Justice' in Information, Communication and Society Journal, details will be added later]


How Much Users Know About 'Permission' When They Permit: The Case of the Facebook App 

Team: Abdullah Hasan Safir

Synopsis: The Facebook app’s internal infrastructure makes it a giant data extraction medium, often exploiting the users unknowingly. Standing on this premise, this article in Cambridge Journal for Science and Policy examines the Manifest file of the app and relevant Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) embedded in its Software Development Kits (SDKs) and undertakes a tracker analysis of the app using the Exodus tool. The article shows that the reviewed version of the Facebook app has 59 permission requests in the SDKs. Later, it critically analyses the notion of ‘permission’ concerning the network infrastructure and device affordances of the app. The article raises an important question: Can the users (really) ‘permit’? The article suggests that such innovative methods and approaches undertaken in this research can inform more effective policies to regulate platforms like Facebook by safeguarding users’ privacy.